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Stay Informed about water updates for your area

Sign up to receive targeted email and app alerts for severe weather, tide times, river/sea pollution, bathing water quality, river heights, and more. By adding your mapped location, you will only receive water alerts for issues that impact you.

Browse by Water Alert Category:

Timely alerts and updates

Alerts are always localised. This means you will only receive water alerts for your part of Ireland. You can add up to three "alert locations", so you can receive alerts for home, work and other family locations. You can view alerts on the Live Map service to get the full local picture for your part of the country.

Subscribe to water alerts across multiple categories

Over 450 river sensor locations
Over 200 tide height locations
Over 200 tide height locations
Nationwide severe weather warnings
Marine & Coastal weather warnings
Nationwide drinking water issues
Other local water alerts.

Alerts for severe weather warnings

Get alerts for every Level Yellow, Orange and Level Red warning issued by Met Eireann for your county. You will receive these important notifications as soon as soon as any severe weather warnings are issued for your county, so you'll know if any adverse weather conditions such as heavy rainfall might lead to flooding.